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Rooibos Tea Info Page

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What makes Rooibos Tea so special?

Well, ever wondered where this delightful tea comes from?
Rooibos Tea grows only in the Cederberg in the South Western Cape region of South Africa.

To ensure you always receive excellent quality the tea is freshly imported!

Nutritional Information


PER 200 ml

Iron (Fe) Essential for transportation of oxygen in red blood cells; combats fatigue 0,07 mg
Potassium (K) Essential part of the body’s metabolic processes 7,12mg
Zinc (Zn) Plays a vital role in growth, resistance to disease, healing of wounds and health of skin and hair 0,04 mg
Manganese (Mn) Essential for a healthy nervous system and for other metabolic processes 0,04 mg
Copper (Cu) Another vital component of the body’s metabolic processes 0,07 mg
Calcium (Ca) Essential for strong bones and teeth 1,09 mg
Sodium (Na) Responsible for maintaining fluid and acid-base balance 6,16 mg
Magnesium (Mg) Important for a healthy nervous system and for other metabolic processes 1,57 mg
Fluoride (F) .Essential for healthy bones and teeth 0,22 mg

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Nährwert Angaben

Nährstoff Funktion im Körper

Pro 200 ml

Eisen (Fe) Essentiell fuer den Transportat von Sauerstoff in den roten Blutkoerpern; gegen Müdigkeit 0,07 mg
Kalium (K) Essentieller Bestandteil des metabolischen Prozesses im Körper 7,12mg
Zink (Zn) Spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Wachstum, Wiederstandsfähigkeit, heilung von Wunden sowie bei der Gesundheit von Haut und Haaren 0,04 mg
Mangan (Mn) Wichtig fuer ein gesundes Nervensystem und andere metabolische Prozesse 0,04 mg
Kupfer (Cu) eine weiterer wichtiger Komponent des metabolischen Prozessen im Körper 0,07 mg
Calcium (Ca) Wichtig fuer starke Knochen und Zähne 1,09 mg
Sodium (Na) Verantwortlich für den Flüssigkeit und Säure Ausgleich 6,16 mg
Magnesium (Mg) Wichtig fuer ein gesundes Nervensystem und andere metabolische Prozesse 1,57 mg
Fluoride (F) Essentiell fuer gesunde Knochen und Zähne. 0,22 mg

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Plants of Aspalatus linearis
Bales of Rooibos ready for cutting

The History of Rooibos Tea

The Rooibos tea plant is a unique wispy bush found only in a small part of South Africa’s South Western Cape region. The tea made from an infusion of the prepared leaves has been enjoyed for centuries as both a beverage and a health tonic by the local indigenous population.

In 1904 this unique flavorful and healthy beverage was "discovered" by Benjamin Ginsberg, a Russian immigrant and early settler in the area. He realized that the tea would be enjoyed by and provide health benefits to people far and wide. He therefore started to prepare and market the tea. In 1930 a medical doctor, Dr P. Le Fras Nortier discovered that Rooibos tea had value as an agricultural product. However, due to the unique properties and requirements of the delicate plant, cultivation has always required the farmer to remain close to nature. The plants thrive best when virtually left to their own devices in the natural soil of their origin.

From 1995 the Rooibos Board stopped acting as a Control Board and dissolved. The market opened up. More producers and exporters established themselves increasing the penetration of Rooibos tea in the world markets.

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KhoiSan Rock - Painting Art

Rock-Paintings in the Cederberg, South Africa
Rock-Paintings in the Cederberg, South Africa - Have you spotted the hunters?
more Rock-Painting Pictures here: Page 1, Page 2

... Drinking Rooibos Tea inspires your creativity !

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